Exfoliation - The Secret to Youthful Skin

How to Reveal the Beautiful Skin You Already Have
One of the most important things we can do for our skin as we get older is EXFOLIATE!
Removing that built up layer of dead skin cells is important if we want fresh, beautiful & healthy skin to shine through. With age, our skins’ natural ability to slough off dead skin cells slows down. It needs a little help to stay looking its best!
Each skin type should look to a specific exfoliation regimen that will best suit their skin situation.
For example, a dry skin needs regular exfoliation to help the skin properly & more effectively absorb the facial oils, serums and creams that are applied to the skin. Dead skin cells can prevent those products from absorbing in to the skin effectively, leaving them to sit on the surface looking and feeling heavy and greasy.
An enzyme type exfoliation that "passively" sloughs off dead skin cells revealing fresh, radiant skin underneath is ideal for a dry skin. They should add exfoliation in to their regimen 1-2 times per week.
Fine lines and wrinkles can appear deeper and more pronounced as dead skin cells build up. Sweep away those dead cells with regular exfoliation and help reduce the appearance of those tell tale signs of age. Do you feel like your skin lacks the radiance it had when you were younger? That dull, lack luster appearance will disappear with the regular use of a high quality exfoliation product.
What About Acne Prone, Problematic or Sensitive Skin?
First of all, a skin that is experiencing "active breakouts" should avoid using a physical scrub on their skin during this time. Stay away from scrubs when your skin is breaking out and opt for a deep pore-cleansing mask 1-2 times/week.
Breakout can be caused by dirt and oils on the skin that get trapped in the pores by a build up of dead skin cells. Obviously a good cleansing routine is a must for this skin type but by adding a purifying mask to the routine a couple times a week, the skin will be less likely to experience breakout caused by clogged pores.
If you have sensitive skin, you may think that you can't exfoliate because it will irritate your skin. This is not the case!
The SIBU Purifying mask offers a natural enzyme based exfoliation to keep your skin looking and feeling its best, without the abrasiveness of a scrub.
Remember, you want to keep those dead skin cells under control so they aren't clogging your pores or preventing your skin care products from doing their job.