23 Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn

Turns out, you may be able to up your health and beauty routine with only one supplement... Whole Berry Sea Buckthorn Supplement!
Sea Buckthorn (also called Sea Berry) comes from the in the Himalayan Mountains where the fierce conditions of high altitude, strong ultraviolet radiation, reflected light, severe cold, and dry soil combines to create an extremely hardy and resilient super-fruit.
Sea Buckthorn contains:
- World's Most Potent Omega 7
- Plant Omega Source 3 & 9
- Protein-building Amino Acids
- Vitamins B1, B2, K, C, A, and E
- Folic Acid
- Over 60 Anti-xidants
- Over 20 Minerals
- Carotenoids, xanthophylls, phenolics, and flavonoids
Because of all these amazing qualities contained within each little Sea Berry, it’s considered a complete food that can support many different systems in the body, including benefits to the skin.
Natural Society's article entitled "23 Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn: The Miracle Berry" shares some great benefits you can gain when supplementing with sea buckthorn.
Sea Buckthorn Benefits - Just to name a few:
- Reduces skin markings associated with measles or mumps
- Reduces illness associated with cancer
- Lowers cholesterol
- Boosts lymphatic circulation and immunity
- Reduces hunger (due to Omega 7s)
- Improves the look of skin and hair (also due to Omega 7, 3, 6, and 9s)
- Neutralizes free radicals in the body
- Slows the aging process
- Supports internal organs
- Click here to read Natural Society's full article and reveal all 23 benefits >>>>