How to Boost Mucous Membrane Health to Stop Invading Germs, Before they Enter Your Body
Disclaimer: we are in no way claiming that SIBU Omega 7 Pure or any of our products are made to combat the COVID-19 virus. However, we are stating the facts that sea buckthorn and omega 7 contain unique & potent benefits that help strengthen the body's natural (and #1) defense mechanisms to better fight off sickness and disease.
How to Stop Germs Before The Enter Your Body?
Did you know that one of the key functions of your mucous membranes is to trap pollutants and germs and stop them before they enter your body?
It's true! A healthy mucosa is one of your best defense mechanisms against disease.
So what are Mucous Membranes? In a simplified sentence, mucuous membranes are what protect the parts of your body that are exposed to the outer environment. (ex. your nasal passages, mouth, eyes)
That's not all these membranes protect. They exist all throughout the body in the gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract, and respiratory airways.
One of the main building blocks needed for healthy mucous membranes (called epithelial tissue) is palmitoleic acid, aka Omega 7!
Sea Buckthorn, A Good Source to Get Omega 7 in My System?
While sea buckthorn carries a tremendous source of naturally occurring plant compounds that offer phenomenal protection against outside health threats and a boost to your immune system, omega 7 is a rare and valuable compound more abundant in sea buckthorn than any other source on Earth!
These compounds make sea buckthorn one of the most potent natural plant extracts for protecting human health.
The Most Potent Omega 7 Available... Anywhere?
Omega 7 consumption has been shown in clinical research to help bolster human mucosa health.
Sibu's sea buckthorn products are the most potent in the world. In fact, Sibu’s Omega 7 Pure (100% USDA pure sea buckthorn puree) is the most potent single omega 7 supplement available…anywhere!
Yes, anywhere! Containing 721 mg in a single 1-fl oz serving! That’s more than double the omega 7 than our next most potent supplement, our Omega-7 Soft-Gels.
And our soft-gels have a higher level than any other brand on the market! That’s saying something!!!
So What Exactly Can Omega 7 Do for You?
Here at Sibu we are very sensitive to claims and assertions of any disease state and refuse to market our products with claims to prevent, treat or cure any disease.
However, we do want our customers and the general public to know that consumption of sea buckthorn may help boost immunity and enhance the mucous membranes given the huge omega-7 content and the 190+ bio-active compounds that may aid the human body’s response to certain health threats.
Try SIBU Omega-7 Pure Today...
Tashi! (Tibetan for “Good health and good fortune”)
Your friends at SIBU